Reviews of The Last Man on Earth Club

Sift Book Reviews
There is something for every kind of sci-fi fan here, from zombies to nuclear holocausts. The survivors in this therapy group have seen it all. There is a lot of darkness in their pasts and that seeps through in most of the book. Having seen some very dark things, the main cast of characters are very dark people who can't seem to get along with each other and are always plagued by internal conflict. This one won't leave you with the warm and fuzzies, but it will leave you thinking, and for me that's the mark of great science fiction.
Kellie of Sift Book Reviews - ****
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Adarna SF
The Last Man on Earth Club is highly recommended, especially for fans of dystopian and apocalyptic literature. If you like the first few chapters and want to learn more about the characters, then go for it, and it only gets better from there. It’s a dark, original, and intelligent science fiction book that continues to give me some food for thought, and also perhaps a little hope.
Frida Fantastic of Adarna SF - ****
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Bookish Ardour
I found myself drawn along, chapter by chapter, wanting to find out a combination of elements to the story; what would happen with the characters, what occurred on their planet, who was responsible for the devastation on their worlds, and what was the cultures and histories of all these different races. For a post-apocalyptic fan who wants something different or perhaps a break, but also doesn’t want to stray too far from the genre, The Last Man on Earth Club is definitely a book to consider.
Bonnie of Bookish Ardour - ****
Butterfly-o-Meter Books
Paul R. Hardy went all out and pictured numerous ways for a world to end, and all the worlds he thought up were delightfully different, but all human. They felt human, all the bloody problems felt human and real, all the issues, all the rotten mentalities – it was thoroughly overwhelming.
The plot is something very much so original, and it brings a fresh and really well built perspective on the evolution of civilizations. Of course, being a fan of psychology, the therapy part was also plenty interesting.

Livia of Butterfly-o-Meter - ****

Amazon Reviews

One word for this book... "brilliant". Okay. there's a few others I could use but I don't want to labor the point. Although I read a lot of books across a wide range of genres, a story about people going through therapy is not a subject matter that would normally appeal, yet from the moment I started reading this book I wasn't able to put to down.
***** Harry Lloyd (

I read at least 3 or 4 books a week. I own 4 bookcases that are triple stacked with books with another 700-800 on my kindle. This book is one of the best books that I have ever read. It has apocalypse, extinction of species, heartbreak, and disaster. It also has hope and healing.
***** C. Brunner (

Hardy's characters are not what I expected at all: they're unique, and well-written and so very, very deep and emotionally scarred by what they've been through. I felt sorrow and pity for each and every one of them, and found myself cheering them on to get better, to let their inner demons go, to succeed in their therapy. A book about a therapist curing PTSD? And it's good? Really?
Oh, yes. Very much so. 

***** Jason Kristopher (

I've never bothered to write a review before, but really felt like I had to. This book is truly brilliant - and just £1.99 too. I've paid £10 for books that couldn't hold a candle to this. This is the kind of quality and originality you would expect to find in the SF Masterworks range, not some apparently obscure little budget title hidden away and easily overlooked. Make sure you do not overlook it! 
***** Ian M Knight (

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It was an interesting and unique premise and I loved the focus on character development. Even though it was long, I wanted it to continue so I could see how the people in the book developed further. The world(s) the author created were believable and tragic but there was still some humor to be found. I highly recommend this book, not just to post-apocalyptic fans, but to anyone who enjoys a good book.
**** Pamela Davis (